Do I Matter?

In the grand scheme of things, in the universe, our failings would seem to be so insignificant. How could they possibly matter at all to the outcome of events and happenings measured over thousands of years and millions of miles? I’m concerned with how best to drop an extra twenty pounds of body fat or what will people think if I don’t use hair spray tomorrow.

Think of the impact of a comet hurtling through the vacuum of space at tremendous speed and yet it travels so far that it only visits our solar system once every five hundred years. Think of how many krill are eaten by Blue Whales in a single migration pattern. When a solar flare escapes the gravity of the sun and hurtles across the solar system impacting everything in its path, does my choice of coffee beans matter much? How many mosquitoes are consumed by al the bats in the caves of New Mexico? My puny little brain cramps and strains at even the prospect of that gargantuan calculation. Why should I imagine my opinion, my understanding, my writings or my heart matter beyond the walls of my house?

But God says I matter. I matter enough for Him to provide salvation on Calvary. I matter enough for Him to have the Bible recorded. I matter enough to have theologians struggle beyond their own capabilities. I matter enough to have some man pray for my soul for years. I matter enough for the creator God of the universe to come in Spirit into my unbelieving Soul and touch me in a way that was irresistible for me.

The comets were flying long before I was born. The prophets and scribes and apostles and Bible scholars were at a full head of steam long before my vapor was a puff in the imagination of someone somewhere. The generations of mosquitoes and bats have come and gone countless times and still I was not. So now that I am, why do I possibly think I matter? I grew up a wicked selfish, egotistical swelled headed punk whose only interest in God was to explain why He did not exist. Why should I matter to a God who did not exist? He certainly did not matter to me.

Except; there was this rational, precise scientifically explainable pattern to the travels of a comet. Someone had to have started it. There were these huge air breathing mammals living in the oceans that required millions of tons of the tiniest morsel imaginable just to make a single journey. Those mosquitoes and bats kept the same dance the same ritual day after day, week after week, month after month, just to say one thing.

I matter enough to Him so that He does all of this, just to reveal Himself to me. I could have just answered the door when He knocked on my heart but I was to prideful and stubborn. He set off the fireworks and created the most fascinating creatures and eco-systems and gently kissed my cheeks with the first rays of the morning sun, just to say I matter. So what could I do that would possibly by important to Him?

What if I would simply obey Him? What if I would influence just one young person to avoid the mistakes and poor choices I have made? What if I would steer them to the God of miracles I avoided for so long?  What if I simply believe that whatever I do, I matter to Him?

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1 Response to Do I Matter?

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