You Know Not What You Ask

 But Jesus answered and said, 

Ye know not what ye ask…Matthew 20:22a

A marathon is just a bit over twenty-six miles in which tens of thousands compete to be first. Only one will be first and claim the victor’s crown. That doesn’t make one good and thousands bad. Second is good too. Third is not bad either. In fact, it is significant that of the millions who could have, you choose to. The fact that you even chose to participate sets you part. There are just as many measures of success as there are motivations for competing. But our success or failure is not based on what others do or think. Nor is it based on our past accomplishments or future aspirations.

Measuring ourselves by ourselves is inadvisable by God’s standard. Some might say it’s even a bit foolish. What someone else thinks is our best, or should be our desire, seldom surfaces on our radar as a valid target. I often wonder if it is fear or common sense which holds me back from what other people think I should do. One thing I have learned is that “if” I find myself responding to God with “Really?”, my life is probably about to make a course correction.

There are some aspects of my life which I am very pleased with and some which annoy me for a variety of reasons. I tend to enjoy launching new ventures, opening up avenues for others to excel in and promoting those who are in the race to excel. I am not very adept at finishing or promoting me.

That can be good and bad at the same time. I know I need to get the trim on the door of the bathroom I finished remodeling ten years ago. I plan to get to it someday. It gives me great joy to participate with someone who is going in the right direction. It is not really about riding their coattails but more about my ‘measure of success’ being in promoting theirs. I have been able to help several ministries in my lifetime because of my lack of desire to be first.

When John Milton penned the now famous line “They also serve who only stand and wait.”, He was referring to ones service to the Lord Jesus. Participation is victory. The Apostle Paul declared that he had “finished his course”. He did not say that he was in first place. Being a part of what is good in God’s sight is triumph. Being obedient to his Holy call and plan regardless how small and void of fame, brings glory to Him. There is joy in knowing that every moment spent thinking on or doing or waiting your turn to use the gifts and talents He has placed within you, brings the anticipation of His most favored phrase: “Well done thou good and faithful servant”. He has prepared you for that moment long before today and is preparing you through this time right now unto the moments of tomorrow.

I sometimes, as we all are, am judged by others according to their estimation of when and what I might do to greater glorify the Lord. After all, I am often reminded, that a Christian who is not advancing is retreating. I’m not sure that fits real well with the insight Milton gives us or with God’s reminder to “Be still and know that I am God”. I have from time to time been asked why I am not currently the Pastor of my own church. Certainly they say, I have the gifts requisite for that position and many would be influenced for good for the cause of Christ under my tutelage and ministry. My response is always the same, whenever the Lord determines that is the proper course for me, I will be obedient.

 A few years back I was in a church where the Pastor was resigning and a search committee was formed to seek new leadership. I was well respected and was asked to be on that team. However I felt I should be in consideration for that role and declined due to the obvious conflict of interest.

I knew others were disappointed and even my wife and I did not understand why I felt this way. It caused such a division that we left on relatively good terms shortly after the new Pastor was installed.  I was obedient even when it seemed contrary to conventional wisdom and cost me personally more than I wanted to pay. In retrospect I see that the Lord desired to move me to a different ministry in a different location.

He knew that if I stayed in that church I would have supported the new leadership and would not have grown as I have since then.

I tend to admire folks who follow the Lord’s leading even if it is contrary to current norms. There was a time when a man caught preaching without a license was thrown in prison. Or if one didn’t have the proper denominationally defined education they could only fill the pulpits in the smallest congregations in the most backwater locations. Or if a discussion was held contrary to the published view of the current leadership the heretic brand was quickly brought to bear. Yet Paul was such a man. Stephen, Phillip, Martin Luther, Charles Wesley, Billy Sunday, Beauchamp Vick, oh the list is endless. Standing for the Lord has always been difficult. It is the easiest way to become a target of ridicule and scorn.

Sometimes we ask the Lord if we can do a thing or go to a place or have a desire fulfilled. Sometimes we do so because we are sync with Him and He has prepared us for that time. His ways are higher. His thoughts are higher. His choices are always best. He may say yes, or no, or wait. Sometimes He says

Ye know not what ye ask”.

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