Perfect Physique

Admiring the human physique is a common pastime. Its rewards and consequences vary greatly depending upon age, application and expectation. When we look in the mirror at our own self we find much to be enjoyed and appreciated. We sometimes also find things to abhor. Some abhor more than others. There have been those who seemed to be extremely near perfect and those who appear to be seeking the opposite scale. Statues, stories and pictures record tremendous examples on both ends of the spectrum. From flabby formless fat to flawless rippling muscles, there is much to be considered. So without lust, pride or acclamation, what would be your ideal physique and who would it best suit?

We are warned against putting too much emphasis on the importance of outward appearances. Probably because they are difficult to maintain and their lasting value is short lived. Some who exercise their muscles for a sport or financial benefit exert great energies and many hours each week to achieve their goals. Fashion models want to be a certain size to be well paid for influencing others to seek their appearance by purchasing what they wear. Athletes are equally conscientious in building the muscle mass or reducing the weight in order to be victorious as champions at their level. Runners need stride and speed, jumpers need lower body strength, and lifters need massive arms and shoulders, while some need all around maximized conditioning. Each for their different goals. Each striving to be the best.

Without much effort we can imagine some pretty terrific examples in many of these areas. There are sacrifices to be made. There are successes and failures to be enjoyed and endured. There are the comparisons to past and present competitors. Changes in societal opinions and methods of achieving dominance, twist champions into chumps and bring former glories into question. Making your mark is often at the expense of other treasures. Never completely satisfied with how we look or how we perform or what our rewards are, we seek the elusive perfection which in the end neither defines us nor judges us very well.
Has there ever been perfection? I wonder how I would describe it. Is it a body, a form, an attitude or a shade of skin tone accompanied by the desirable aesthetics of its beauty? According to the Bible accounts, the first man and woman were created in the image of God Himself. That would seem to be fairly perfect. They had two arms, legs, eyes, ears, kidneys, lungs, feet and hands. They also exhibited one mouth, one nose, one organ for various necessary bodily functions and no belly buttons. So is a belly button a limitation to the perfection we seek? Was there a lacking in the first creation? Were not Adam and Eve created perfect in every way in the very beginning? They knew all they needed to know from the first breath. They ate and communicated and observed and enjoyed every aspect of life. It may even have been on a whole different level of comprehension which we are not aware of. And do you think there may have been a particular reason for them starting out with two ears and only one mouth?

On the other hand Jesus was God revealed in fleshly form. Please take note of the fact that He was perfect. He also sported a belly button. You can count that as comic relief if you like but I believe it is significant in God’s plan and design. No belly button means no nine months gestation inside another human. They were first. They were created, Adam from dirt and Eve from his side. Their minds were completely in tune with their maker. He gave them instruction for joy and happiness. He also explained the consequences of doing other than what He had planned and purposed. He even gave them the most powerful piece of His entire creation. He gave them choice. It did not threaten His sovereignty even one iota. He did not need to build a “What if” scenario. He already knew; He already had planned.

Their perfect physiques gave way to an imperfect choice. That which the Creator had warned of came to pass. Perfect judgement for the perfect couple. Then the perfect plan continued. Not long after Jesus was born of Mary in Bethlehem of Judah, there came wise men from the east. Wise men still seek Him. His newborn body was perfect on the day He was delivered. He had two arms, legs, eyes, ears, kidneys, lungs, feet and hands. He also had all of the ones we mentioned including one belly button. And He had one heart which was perfectly bent toward the salvation and restoration of all men. His belly button identified Him as a child of earthly parents making Him wholly man. His mind, His spiritual heart, was from the plan and purpose of God who knew from the beginning when this blessed event would occur. Jesus was perfect in every way and yet He had a belly button. It was not the mark of sin but rather the mark of humanity. He who knew no sin came from the glories of His Heaven to be born into this world so He might pay the price for that desperately wrong choice in the garden.

It is the perfect plan to pay the consequences of a perfectly wrong choice. It meant that all those who had sought a perfect physique, could now enjoy the same perfect relationship Adam and Eve did before their choice. Being perfect has little to do with using cosmetic surgery to remove a belly button. It is not flawless muscles or desirable skin tones. Being perfect is only found in being like the One who is perfect and without sin. It is not a mental state of being. It is a spiritual relationship which cannot be broken. There was one sin which broke that perfect relationship. There is one perfect sacrifice which atones for that transgression. There is one choice which will restore perfection. So, before you choose to eat that yogurt instead of the donut, before you choose hours in the gym, before sculpting and blending every resource at your disposal to obtain the physique which will declare you as the ultimate champion for the moment, do this.

Strengthen your heart in the forgiveness and grace of the Lord Jesus. Spend some time on your knees and I’m not talking about squats. If you are into lifting weights, elevate His throne and crown over the one you seek to obtain from men. Find in Him, in His sacrifice, the faith to believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. Remember, wise men still do. There is most assuredly a perfect reason for His death, burial and resurrection. The perfect planner is the perfect provision. So if you want that perfect physique, count the cost. If you want His perfection to be in you, remember who said “Be perfect as I am perfect”. Then count the cost of not having that relationship. I will never again know the physique I experienced as a young champion. But neither will I ever know again the fear and sorrow of not having that perfect relationship He has always desired. That is a perfect spiritual physique.

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