It Rained a Little Bit

It rained a little bit this morning. The grass grew and the flowers bloomed. As the sun rose, there were fields of diamonds sparkling among the blades of grass. It was cooler. The heat of the day had extended well into the night but joy comes in the morning. For it rained a little bit. The birds were quieter, the noisy bugs from the night were silenced again. The dust of the days without moisture is washed away. The dryness and oppressive heat will surely return as the cycle of life continues. When it does we will acknowledge its mastery over our moments and long for the coolness after the rain. Today it is cooler. We seem calmer, satisfied and willing to be lost in this time without trials. It is a good day for it rained a little bit this morning.

Yesterday we were delighted to meet by chance an old friend. What a refreshing visit. Remembering is such pleasant joy. It seems we seldom remember the dry still days. The growth, the coolness, the rich moments of fulfilling are the treasures we adore. A wedding was in their future. An excellent picture of the new life, the blessed life, the life which grows from the little bit of rain which falls in the morning. For out of the joining of two uniquely distinct spirits come the new flowers, the new life, the new joys. The dryness of hot sun drench days brings a longing. The gentle rains fulfill the longing and provide glimpses of the fulfillment of our desires.

We often struggle to make sense of life. Why one thing happens, why another does not. We dream and scheme, meaning to achieve what we believe just might be the treasure chest of our joy. When the rain does not come at the crucial time, we struggle to stay on the path, to do all we know to do to succeed. We know who is the Father of all. We know who is the source of our real strength. We believe His ways are best and our purpose is to glorify Him. Still we struggle. Struggles bring victory. Victory brings rejoicing. Rejoicing brings glory to the Lord who is our strong tower. Some would say it is a circle of life. A circle illustrates completeness. What is started ends in the new start. What has begun never actually ends. The source of continuing for the growing fruit bearing plants we admire is that little bit of rain this morning.

The air is fresh with the carrying away of dust and stale dry stiffness. The temperature is cooler as the evaporating moisture completes its circle. The gentle breeze promises softness for the day. The surprises of the new flower buds lighten our spirits. The ripening fruit entices appetites. The glistening on the grass brings the promise of joyful meals for the creatures who depend upon the one who provides their every need. If God so cares for the flowers of the field and the birds of the air, will He not care for you who are His joy and delight? The grass withers with the advancing summer heat. The flowers fade from their glory. Yet the promises of our Lord stand forever.

Yes, this physical life has an end and yes there are unpleasant days, but He never changes. His purpose is that we might purpose to make the choice which was not made in the garden. It didn’t rain in the garden of Eden. We are told that a mist rose every morning to provide all the moisture needed. At a time when He chose, it rained for forty days and forty nights. He cleansed the ravages of sin from the soil beneath man’s feet. It is a strange contemplation which gathers our heart to consider how all those people lost all desire and all sufficiency they had know in the Lord. It is difficult to imagine growth without that little bit of rain. When we find our hearts weary and drawn by the lack of His presence, we desire the rain.

We were at the end of a wonderful day after the joy of being able to live with less cares than ninety percent of the world’s people. We had the chance meeting of a cheerful acquaintance from the past early in the day. Again we got one more little refreshing rain. In the late hours of the evening came the joyful visit from a life we had touched.

It was like a sudden burst of refreshing rain in the cool of the evening. The hugs and smiles and memories flooded our presence. When we were able, we had nourished and encouraged and protected and guided that life as a gardener does for the joy he anticipates. We harvested baskets full of joy in the kindness of that visit. We had hoped, yet knowing the way life often seems to turn, we doubted.

To have our doubt replaced by a ripened harvest puts the exclamation mark on the purpose of faithful obedience. Rain is good when it comes in the early morning hours. Rain is delightful when it gently passes through in the waning hours of evening. Rain brings growth and renewed life and hope for tomorrow. God the Holy Spirit is likened to rain in the Bible. His presence brings joys unspeakable and full of glory. Obedience to His direction brings rewards beyond measure. Delighting in His Lordship overcomes turmoil and strife, like saying “Yes Dear” to your husband or wife.

It was easy to rest in peaceful sleep after such wonderful blessings. It was easy to give thanks for the struggles which allowed us to rejoice in these moments. It is the height of human exhilaration to see and know the plan of God and the small but crucial parts we play. Then after He woke me, long before sunrise, I was able to see that it had rained a little bit. Flowers will bloom, tomatoes will ripen, the grass shimmers as a field of sparkling diamonds. The birds are fed by the Lord with the same great care as He lavishes on our lives. There is no lack to those who fear Him in love and adoration. He means for our days to be filled with His presence so our lives will fulfill His purpose. So in His great love wherewith He loved you and me, He saw to it that this one needful thing happened. It rained a little bit this morning.

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2 Responses to It Rained a Little Bit

  1. Karen Conger says:

    Thank you John, for your worthy words! Very inspiring poems, and down to earth. Speaks to the common condition of all of us, at one time or another. Keep up the good work!!

  2. SMHG says:

    Thanks, Karen. Glad you enjoyed.

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