Slow me down

Busy, busy, busy; or so it seems. Still twenty four hours in each day, but where do they fly off to? I am swamped at the new job with all the changes and new responsibilities. There are preparations for teaching and preaching at church. There is cooking and cleaning and laundry and such. Making time for others has got to be done as well.

I know we all face what has been called the tyranny of the urgent. That’s where the priorities of our lives are mandated by whatever critical thing needs to done next. The tires were going flat, the ice maker faucet was leaking, the furnace quit working, the ice storm was coming so needed to get some fuel for the generator, and mom’s fridge wasn’t running right. It is all important, it is all necessary, and it all needs to be done now.

I haven’t looked at my taxes, found the lawn mower parts to order, changed to oil in the cars, decided on dinner, fed the dog or vacuumed the carpet. This is beside all the stress on the job with twelve hours of work to be done in nine. Yes I managed to order the car tags, the boat tags and the dog tags. Haven’t been to the grocery store in a while and the dry cleaning is piling up. My sleep cycle has been cut way back so I can get things done after others lay down for the evening. The list of what needs to be done has become a list of lists.

So, here’s my question: Lord can we get together for some one-on-one prayer, discussion and quiet time? Sure we have time all day long and you are the only one who gets me through all the rest of this stuff with any sort of sanity left. I just want a little you and me. My wife calls it cuddle time. Just to feel your physical presence in a way that blocks out the spiritual influence of all the non spiritual necessities of life. I know that being human is temporary. But why is so much do, do, do getting in the way of being your child? So how about it? Can I get a little reprieve? I don’t want to have to get sick, go to jail or lose my job. But I do want to make sure you are my first love and I’m not trying to squiggle out of your grip.

Thanks for listening Lord. I apologize for those I have let down and the things I missed getting done in time. And now I’m ten minutes late getting out of here and on to the next thing. But ten minutes talking with you is worth squeezing the clock on the other end.

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