Sometimes it is Just the Music

Sometimes it is the music. We pass information in a lot of ways. We are blessed by our creator with our five basic sensory inputs to gather information and a wonderful brain to process it with. The experiences and lessons of life are the filters which organize and categorize the information we receive. Sometimes, maybe always, the way we perceive a thing is due in large part to the medium through which it comes to us. I am a black and white, spoken, written word processor. I do well with that. My beautiful wife of the last 37 plus years is more musically inclined. Many of my friends are better at receiving a message through music as well. More often these days we see people drawn towards intense visual representations, but it seems they are usually accompanied with music.

Sometimes it is the music. They just get it better that way. There is a touch and a feel and even a vibration within their being that allows for there to be more than just information input when it comes in the form of music. There is a connection on the soul level for many with music. It seems to open areas of their inner most being to truths that would otherwise be ignored or minimized. Their appreciation for the tonal quality and the tempo make the words seem to be the cake covered in thick rich icing, double chocolate icing in my wife’s case. Sounds are not music without some interpretation. Crickets and birds and other early morning creatures just make noise. However recognizing that they are God’s creation performing as they are designed brings their noise into a veritable symphony of praise and acknowledgement to His glory.

Sometimes it is the music. Sometimes it is not. Music says the same thing as words and visuals but with deep rooted emotional connectivity that goes beyond mere reading. It is knowing at a level intended for the heart. Everyone hums. Everyone gets a tune stuck in their head at times. Even non musical folks are drawn into a different level of understanding when the music flows. Just as God has made all creation to sing His praises so we sing as well. And He hears and loves it. So the next time when it is a hard thing to go through, ask the One who makes it all sound just right if He would let you hear the noise of life as the symphony He intends it to be. Because sometimes it is just about the music.

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2 Responses to Sometimes it is Just the Music

  1. Joshua says:

    One of the differences between animals and us is that it is scriptural for us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. :)

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