Which Truth is True?

The truth is that sometimes folks want to disregard the truth. For their own motives and desires they wish to change what is into what they would like it to be. Having to consider the validity of any notion means having to contemplate its value and cost within the frame of reference each one has lived. Truth is established by accepting that which is. It is not a preference or a hope for something to be so. We are tormented by the twisting of truth and its harmful impact on our existence. Sometimes just considering the efforts of liars and the perversity of truth they would present can cause our heads to ache, our minds to reel and our thoughts to need reordering. Finding relief from such torments is sometimes difficult but a necessity with a desirable reward.

And so while the music played softly, there was nothing he could engage his mind to do but write. To place his thoughts on the page before him seemed to be the only possibility for relief. It wasn’t a cloud or a funk or something which could be snapped out of merely by willing the thought. It went deeper and more desperately real. It was as if his very soul and the determination which had been made for it was in question. It was not a struggle of good and evil. It was not pondering of the incomprehensible mysteries of the universe. It was about breath. Breath and heart beat and synapses and electrical impulses are the physical essence of life. Yet is is the non-physical which matters. It seems strange to say the immaterial is not immaterial at all but is in fact that which matters at all.

The phone rang. A minor nuisance and unnecessary. It had to be addressed but not prolonged. He continued writing. It is thinking that seems to cause all of the worlds great problems. It is in thinking that we choose whether to be obedient to the obvious or clamor against God’s reason for our own. We are told there are many gods. I suppose if that is true then we are just pawns. A true God must be totally in control of all things at all times and know the outcome before a things exists. Nothing is just an awkward chance. Purpose is in every pain, every joy and every confused on every mortal face. Reading what others have written sometimes brings those confused faces. Wry smiles and raised eyebrows seem to result. Saul of Tarsus wrote in the first century of the comely body parts and also of the less honorable parts.

Each with a purpose. Each with a degree of respect for its necessity. So it seems to be with those who do not yet know whether they are willing to receive truth as it is or call it error. Each has a necessity. There is a definite order and plan to existence as we no it. Reasoning minds evaluate the evidence before them and unless they are bent on futile rebellion, accept that order does not come from chaos. It is the rejection of order which allows the appearance of chaos. Words communicate thoughts, ideas, concepts and beliefs. Words are communicated from one language to another based on common experiences. Often the sounds and phrases are very similar. Each is used with purpose and intent. Rebellious minds will convey twisted and clouded thoughts intending to pervert the hearer against what they themselves find unpalatable. Honest communications allows each to arrive at their own conclusions through the truth without having to slant it.

Comely parts are those which we find pleasant, appealing and even desirable. Less honorable ones are generally covered up, taken away or ignored unless they demand attention by their very purpose. Still they are not thought of much or considered to be of much worth. People are as a whole not unlike the human body. There are those whose interaction is desirable and enjoyable. There are others who we might wish to wipe away as with a good bunch of toilet paper. It seems crud to refer to living souls as such. It seems dishonest to not admit the thoughts are there. Less honorable are those who are takers and deceivers, selfish abusers and deniers of true peace and order. For all of their desire for gain, they lose even that which they seek to gather. Like kings without treasuries, they cannot retain any of what they acquire. Riches of earthly wealth last for the years and days of this life alone. They seem to render the comely parts as commodities and diminish true value. After each life is lived the collections of treasures are divided between the living who remain until the time of their departure.

What is common is only a treasure if someone has a vast amount of it. What is rare is sought because of its uniqueness. Legends and tall tales follow the dreams for all that can be claimed. Truth languishes in dusty unused books and the minds of old men seeking to restore past days of glory. True treasures are found there. Like memories, they cannot be stolen. They can be believed or rejected. Truth is the true treasure of the life each mind exists for. Whether they be seen as more comely or less honorable, the purpose for which they exist is to accept or reject truth. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then truth must certainly be so only to those who find it palatable. Yet for truth to be true it must always be true. Otherwise it is subject to the constructs of those who would create chaos out of order. So whether rejected of accepted as God has presented it, it is still and always remains on its own without justification, the truth.

What truth matters? God’s truth alone. For He declares there is one Lord and God and Father over all. He has created his children for expression of love and fellowship. This is not to maker Him complete as God but for our benefit. God’s truth is recorded in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. If this is not true then only chaos and fear reign in the world today. Truth is the power which defeats the lies of the wicked. If you have no absolute truth then what is the reasoning by which morality and deliverance can be claimed? What says murder or rape or theft is wrong and what authority is any law established? The law of the bigger stick says it is correct only as long as no one who disagrees has a bigger stick. God has the biggest stick and sometimes shakes the earth just to demonstrate He does. Deny truth; deny the authenticity and accuracy of the Bible; deny God; and define your own truth. That is ultimate act of rebellion you can accomplish. The only problem with that is that God is not going to believe you are telling the truth and He will stick with His.

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