Why We Do

Why writers write, why healers heal. Why haters hate and why is life real. Those are not questions but statements to ponder. We think and we wonder of all which is or can be. Times are tough for some and recovering for others. Even those who feel like they are on top of the world know change comes. Reality is the life being lived; while hopes and dreams tint the glasses in shades of rose.

It was difficult to remember just how it all began. Like a wisp of cool breeze on a warm summer evening through leaves willingly lifted and lowered in approving dance.

Recently I compared a friend to the prophet Jonah. He was a bit rebuffed and I realized that our frame of reference is a bit different. My friend is an obedient servant of God. He believes and practices the instructions of the Bible as much as anyone I have ever met. But his take on Jonah is not entirely the same as mine. I see Jonah as an unwilling participant in God’s plan. He was stubborn, opinionated, obstinate and even a bit cantankerous. Not at all what I was intending when I made the comparison. Okay, maybe just a little.

And that is probably the amount of thought I put into it before I made the comparison. Sometimes just a little is just too much. Not just in our judgments and opinions but in our stinkin’ thinkin’. Often I assume others think as I do. Of course I understand that we have different understandings of the same word. Jalapeños for example. ANY jalapeño is too hot for my wife but I enjoy abusing my body with the spicy and flavorful renditions I experience. However, there is no requirement for something to be extreme in order to be received differently. Even water can have a taste or an odor that some find enjoyable while others can’t stand. So comparing others or even ourselves to the examples in scripture can be a precarious activity. If I read Jonah’s obedience, however grudgingly it is accomplished, I can say we should follow his example. But if I read of his rebellion and refusal, I present him as an unprofitable option.

So a fair question by those who get compared is “just what do you mean by that?” It helps if we are specific as to the attributes we imagine are appropriate and even then we are often unsure of the impact we are having. Is it because we are unfeeling or insensitive? Is there some deleterious motivation in our choices of expression? Or is it perhaps that we are so unthinkingly ignorant that the depth of our impact escapes our consciousness? Probably all of the above. It seems we can be intentional and lackadaisical all at the same time. It is not possible for us to expect others to understand what we ourselves to not comprehend. So what can we do?

Have a little kindness, patience, leniency, and grace. Lots of grace. What can we learn from our injuries to others and the injustice we perceive? Kindness, patience, leniency, and grace. Lots of grace. We need to use the lessons of life for our profit and the benefit of others as well. Kindness costs so little. Patience only takes time. Less ego and more outgo. Pleasant thoughts and softer tones. Knowing that your father in heaven has forgiven you and you aught to do the same for those who might not be so inclined toward you.

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