
Finding a place that is more than just another breath space is often difficult. There; you just did it again. You picked up this page to find out if it was going to offer you something more than just a pause in which to inhale and exhale before triumphant man silhouettemoving on to the next. If you could what would you become? You are probably hoping that some measure of relevance or some significant issue will grab your attention long enough to engage your mind in worthwhile consideration. If it hasn’t by now, you are laying this down and moving on. You don’t get it. You don’t care for the direction this is going. This is not on your agenda right now.

Or you are piqued. You’ll nibble just a bit more. Finding something worth swallowing, hook, line and sinker, generally takes more than a paragraph. We move through our days with some measure of urgency and desire for fulfillment. Some days are lazy mindless drifts away from the tyranny of the urgent. Others are quests beyond the final frontier seeking to unearth the heretofore elusive mysteries which shall one day unburden our tenuous existence. The rest fall somewhere in the middle. I said “some measure of urgency”. When you are extremely thirsty, even brackish warm mossy green swamp water is desirable. A very high sense of urgency exists for anything wet at that point.

Desire for fulfillment is a different beast. Without the right aesthetic appeal, carefully chosen list of criteria and socially acceptable support, that “dripped from the purest glacier”, icy cold,ten dollar bottle of water just isn’t going to cut it. Yes, these are extremes. No, They do not really speak to our point here. But, they do make a point. That point is that the details of what we claim to be seeking after are often in the extremes. One or the other is used to give the appearance of care and concern. It is from these East to West points we need to escape. Alluding to the phrase “As far as the East is from the West” here.

We most often are in that middle zone where seeking the similitude is going to provide an acceptable victory. So when we pick up or open up or turn our eyes toward an item, we do so with the fervent hope that it is possible we will be engaged for more than a breathe or two. Life as a whole is a quest for cognizance. We seek people and events and substances which validate our comprehension of our existence. Being driven at times by influences outside of ourselves we determine our own worth to be excelling or devalue it as unworthy of consideration. If you could what would you become?

What? Are you still trying to flow with this? Okay, then. In the midst of abundant encouragement and unpleasant discouragement, there are the seemingly stagnant circumstances we call life. While daily life can be characterized as mundane it includes the occasionally significant emotional event. These are those which we focus our energies and attention upon much more than the mundane. Stimulation like smell or taste or touch or hearing can launch the next breath into deepest depths or highest heights. We catalog and categorize and factor in all our previous experiences to fit each succeeding moment into the quadrant analysis we are most comfortable with.

Your expectation was that it would be business as usual. Instead you find a momentarily consuming divergence twisting expectation into anticipation. Immediately the thoughts are swimming. How could it be? What should my response be? Will it matter in the long run? Can I derive benefit from this? Who can I go to for validation? Many, many more fly forth. They are followed quickly by the summations and unanswerables. What a relief. What a joy to be moved beyond the last normal breath. For just this snapshot in time, I can register truth and virtue and kindness and love. They are the tools of my examining. And tomorrow the next breath will be assessed by the inclusion of this experience.

It is possible for someone to relegate their own self importance to the throne of omniscience. When we begin to assume the whole of our existence, even of the universe, centers on us, we splatter the infantile with immensity. My mother often said “You are not so big I can;t turn you over my knee…” and she meant me to know she believed it to be true long after I reached adulthood. Each place we are in has a hierarchy. Each class has an order and each of us fit well into the spot we are designed for. Whether you accept the truth of a divine creator designer or the turbid prevarications of Darwinian evolution, some combination makes us who and what we are and that is our fit. If you could what would you become? Hoping to be more than is best for us is not going to turn out well. This does not insist we must be limited by the opinions and insights of others. Challenges provide opportunity to achieve greatness. That plateau, once achieved will be cited as the proper fit for our purpose.

What would you do if you could? What limits you? Desire and opportunity are far greater definers than the narrow minded limitations of our fellows. Do you believe you will surprise someone if you attempt and succeed? Or will you disappoint another if you attempt and fail? You and I are not automatons. If there is a God and I am certain there is. If there is then He created us for His purposes. He gave us the power and ability to make our own choices withing the limitations of our nature. Nothing we do surprises Him. We cannot be other than we are and yet there is within the power of every man the ability to do other than God knows he will do but He won’t.

So take another breath. Take thought of who you have become. Measure it against who or what you desire. Where is your acceptable victory found? Go ahead, be very thirsty. Have the intestinal fortitude to strive beyond what anyone every dreamed you are or could be. Let hope converge with possibility and become. Whatever it is to be, just become.

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