Blinded Eyes

What can it mean to be without natural physical sight?  It is not that we all take for granted our marvelous gift of sight. Certainly it is true we often do not give it much thought. But when a person is rendered sightless it is an all-consuming question. How will I? What can I? Where is the? Who am I now?  It is an adaptation beyond comprehension for those who have never experienced it.

Your circle of friends may be greatly altered. The nature and scope of your travels and duties and all that is involved in your daily existence is so dramatically impacted that it is like having to be born all over again. Because you live among a people who have sight, you would require a sighted person to enable you to dress properly, appear properly and maybe even accompany you in every aspect of your life.

You would seek intervention. Medical treatments, Prayer requests, every scientific break-through would all be sought out and explored. Living among the sighted reveals the blessings and advantages of sight. Living among the sighted can highlight the limitations and consequences of being blind.  As in any adversity the ability to compensate reveals tremendous capabilities in hearing, touch, and even routine disciplined systematic processes which enable a very high level of compatibility with the sighted world around us. Although these are most often seen as helps and benefits, there are times when it prevents us from finding real answers to the most daunting questions. It may be the case of since I have it figured out, why do I need any help from sight?

And were the reverse to miraculously happen, would not an equally traumatic although joyous transformation occur? If after having been blinded for some length of time or perhaps from birth you suddenly had your sight restored, would it not be just as great a cause for concern. Perhaps one of the immediate unspoken questions would be “How long will this last?”

The creepy sneaking doubt of its permanence would understandably rear its deceptive head. Would you keep that red tipped white cane, just in case? How long would you maintain that comfortable circle of unsighted friends? If it were possible for you to share the way you regained your sight, would it become a driving force in your life? And if others were not able to see the light as you had, would you soon part ways knowing their frustration with your new found emphasis on what you can see?

In such ways all of the challenges of life draw us to those in like circumstances and divide us from those we are different from. We see it in nationalities, skin colors, sports affiliations, climatic preferences, physical and mental limitations, age groups, spiritual understandings, financial holdings, educational levels, job skills and many more. We are joined to like-mindedness and separated from those who are different. Often there are singular commonalities which hold us together in circles with which we might otherwise have little to do. A group of football fans might encompass many levels of racial, social, economic or educational levels. And because of the influences we are granted within one circle we may well provide some motivation or opportunity in another area.

Often we speak of someone we know of or some situation and we give our perspective on it. Some would call it our understanding or our judgment. That is not a bad thing if we have some measure of understanding wisdom or experience concerning the issue. Unfortunately many of us trying to judge the painting without ever having held the brush. We attempt to project a measure of critical assessment without much basis being introduced into evidence. In other words we don’t have a clue of what we are talking about and act as if we are not only experts but designers and creators of the whole mess.

Here is where I would like for you to do a “fill in the blank” exercise. “My name is _______. In _______ (year or age) I became a ______________ or had a deeper recognition of my _________ (nationality, lifestyle, desire, ability, etc.). Upon _____________ (following or committing to) this new understanding I ________ (lost, changed, discovered) my relationship with the ones I had associated with before. It became __________ (harder, complicated, frustrating) to continue or relationship as we used to. In the end I had to __________ (include, separate, modify) the ___________ (time, way, groups) we related together. Some of my old friends ____________ (left, joined, attacked, ignored) me and we had to go on with our lives.

I suspect this applies to just about everyone who has lived any number of years. Life can be complicated and have many twists and revelations which change us, our direction and or associations. There are often two views or camps for each subject. There may be many nuances within those views but in the end there are two. We have good and evil, rich and poor, thinkers and doers, lovers and haters, and on and on it goes. Here is one of the ways I would complete my “fill in the blanks” exercise.

“My name is John. In 1979 at 26 years old (year or age) I became a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and became a Christian. Upon committing to this new understanding I lost many of my relationships with the ones I had associated with before. It became complicated to continue our relationship as we used to. In the end I had to separate the way we related together. Some of my old friends left me, some joined, others attacked me and most ignored me and we had to go on with our lives. I still pray for many of them and wonder what became of them. I have made so many new friends and am constantly blessed by the Lord and His people that I have no desire to ever to back to life without knowing Him.

I didn’t lose my physical eyesight, in fact I gained true vision. Now I see in mysteries and marvels far beyond what I ever knew was possible when I was without Jesus. I didn’t hang on to any of the old ways very long. I soon wanted nothing to be able to pull me back. What I have discovered in Christ is greater than all the treasures I could amass in this life. I share how much better the new me can see with spiritual eyes every chance I get. There is no red tipped cane in my closet, I am led by God’s spirit in paths of His choosing. There are no braille books on my shelves, I can read God’s Word with clear understanding.

I no longer need to ask those all-consuming questions. How will I? What can I? Where is the? Who am I now? By His grace I am saved from the wrath of His judgment and able to meet any challenge life brings. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.  I understand how so many things fit together in His universe and no longer need to seek that which H does not provide. Everything He desires for my good is well within my reach. I am His child. I have been adopted. He loves me more than I can imagine. He chooses to use me for His glory and promises more beauty and grace for longer than I can imagine. In His Word a man said that “He must increase and I must decrease”. That is my only desire. I want His love to flow through me and through you for His glory. I desire everything I do be a shout of praise to Him for He is beyond measure. Will Blinded Eyes ever see? I see the truth now with open eyes. I love Jesus and I hope you will too.

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