Content Pleasant Tones

I’d like to be known by the time I am grown
As a true man of God who did not find it odd
To pray every day and follow His way
So even my groans are heard in pleasant tones

But my shape seems untrue to what I thought was due
So please let me now seek to undo what makes this body weak
Dear Lord if you don’t mind, if you would be so kind
Could you make a change or two, to keep me from being blue

I’d like to be content with the blessings you’ve sent
But with some changes it might be, that I could see a better me
I’d like to have a belly please, that doesn’t hide my calloused knees
And a pair of pleasant ears a little smaller than some steers

And could there be found, a little less gray hair around
Or maybe planting some more, wouldn’t be a great chore
I’d like my barber well pleased and my mirror somewhat eased
And to walk boldly through town, is easier if I don’t fall down

Restore I pray dear Lord, the body which was once adored
I’d like to be all I can, so remake me like a young man
So those who look upon me, might delight in what they see
These eyes too need restored, and this voice which once roared

Turn the flabby under my arms into younger muscle farms
Oh I could go on but I tremble, what dear Lord would that resemble
Not the wise molded and content, merely proud youth barely bent
So let it be of your wisdom told, how by your grace I’ve grown old

I’m happy to be known as I’ve finally grown
Into a true man of God who did not find it odd
To pray every day and follow God’s way
So even my creaky groans sing praises in pleasant tones

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