I Don’t Need A Computer

I really don’t need a computer to live happily in the world today. Yes I am aware of what century this is. Yes I understand the convenience, even the necessity of having so much personal information rapidly available for access, analysis and perusal. Cruching ComputerYes I have a social security number and currently use online banking and other resources in my daily life. But I don’t need to. I can easily slip into the old world mode of snail mail and land line telephones. Yes, I will probably incur additional fees for either hard copies or some intermediary to intercede.

Still I don’t crave the latest and greatest computer gizmo. I don’t need to keep up. I’m not at all injured by missing the latest news bulletin, neatest game or current social trend. I am content. Oh, I suppose it is easier than pen and paper or trying to resurrect the old Underwood forty four key Standard. So convenience might be a qualifier but if I reduce my output to non-online activities, I really do not find myself desirous of or seeing a personal need for a computer. I have used computers for the last thirty eight years. That predates most computer users and even modern cell phones by a couple of decades.

On the cheap an average American family today spends four to five hundred dollars each month on electronic services. That is not including the cost of Televisions, routers, modems, smart phones, storage devices, printers and other associated paraphernalia which can easily add another couple hundred per month when averaged out. Some folks pay more monthly for their computer addictions than it would cost them to live in many third world countries for all of their expenses.

However cost is not my primary issue. After all I am paying for some of that right now. The time it takes to use these devices can hardly be considered as a savings. Have you watched the frustration on a loved ones face as they attempt to decipher the functions and menus and connections of both hardware and software? The hours upon hours it takes to learn to use a new phone can really eat away at the social benefit derived from communicating with others. Or the latest version of your favorite word processing software which has changed the location of every menu item and icon can really take its toll when trying to jot down a quick note to Auntie Em.

Then there is the latest anecdotal evidence of the radiation, radio wave or battery heat causing health problems. Special holders are now said to be required for some people who are susceptible to these nefarious built in weapons. And don’t even get me started about identity theft, phone insurance, password protection or WIFI hijacking. I really do not need all of this aggravation and hassle.

Still I have learned a thing or two. I do like the grand kids pictures coming in on my email at the office. (Oh cut it out! You knew I was that old when you started reading this.) I text when I drive, watch videos of idiots who got caught on camera, complain about the government on social websites and cringe whenever some email says “if you don’t pass this on Jesus won’t love you any more”. There is no limit to the creativity of a depraved mind with a camera, a computer and some good photo shop software.

No, I really do not need a computer. Of course there are a lot of things I don’t really need in order to live and be happy. In fact there is very little I truly need. I need Jesus. I need love. I need to be able to share the love of Jesus. That makes me very happy and glad to be alive. The computer allows me to share His love sometimes. So it is not something I need to get rid of either. Being content is a good place to be. So if you know Him, set your computer aside for a bit and give Jesus thanks for your contentment.

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