Just Stop It

It’s polluted. It’s nasty. It’s vile and unclean. It is worse than you can imagine. The thoughts which accompany it are so disgustingly sick that I won’t even use the words which could describe it so easily. If I spoke of a sewer running through your bath or filthy puss from an open sore gushing into your morning coffee, which would offend you more? Are there levels of sickness from the human mind that are acceptable for you to absorb? Is the filth of the decaying world to be held in great honor? Is it a banner of tolerance that you would choose to abuse and defamed the pure and the clean for a moment of pathetically cheapened humor. Which is not humorous at all but rather the antithesis. Must you impose them upon those you portend to love and appreciate?

If you are not convicted, offended or shocked by what you’ve just read, then fasten your seat belt because there is more. You say that you’re not the source of such trash. You claim you are not guilty, that this condemnation is too harsh. Then let me remind you as a veteran of wars, that bullets kill you just as dead whether aimed with intention or handled in error. Lighting just one match may not hurt anyone, but the forest fire that rages hours later is evidence of carelessness gone wrong. You use words which you are told offend others and have for years been known as signs of corruption and ungodly behavior. You comically present conundrums in just a bit of off color. You are certain you can withhold from going too far. But every evil, and yes it is evil, begins with a tiny disregard for the Holy.

So let me be clear that I understand. I am not holier than you or anyone else in and of myself. Left to my own devices I could easily be the promoter and displayer of such filth as would cause Satan himself to cackle with glee. But I have NOT been left to my own devices and neither have you. You are bought with a price more costly than all of the riches this world has to offer. You have been chosen to stand before the greatest throne in the universe and be announced as being “All fair my beloved. There is no spot in thee”. You who have acknowledged and received the unspeakable gift of grace which cost so much are not immune to the wiles of the deceivers and pretenders. Neither am I. I am ashamed and convicted when I lash out in anger and vitriol at those I love most. It is with sickness of soul and heart that I bitterly seek reconciliation and forgiveness.

We are trusted by Him who loves us so to stand fast against such evil. I want to be called to account when such behavior is witnessed in me. I want to be ashamed of my putting my savior to disgrace and open shame. He has chosen me and claimed me and when I do other than honor Him I blaspheme and deny the very grace by which I am bought. So here is my cry; “Be HOLY!” For He is Holy and has called you to be void of all that is unholy, ALL! No emails, no face book pictures or posts, no instagrams or tweets, no language nor letters nor movies or (if it be at all possible) no pernicious thoughts of despicable gratification; let none of it enter into your life or proceed from you to invade the sanctity of another. Stop it now. Repent. Fall on your face before a Holy and Sovereign Almighty Redeemer and seek His restoration.

Do you not know? Do you not understand? That all who are so minded as to enjoin and permeate such wickedness have their part in the Lake which burns forever? If there is any one thing I can do to convince you of the utter hopelessness of pursuing such folly I urge you to see me in your minds eye doing that right now. STOP! Do not say it, think it, post it, forward it or even giggle at it. Please embarrass your friends. Stand for Jesus. For He who has called you His child and His bride is worthy of your love and obedience. This is not a rant. For this does not end here. This is a call to Holiness. If you are too weak or too in love with the beggarly things of this world then you may well be entitled to question the veracity of your relationship which you proclaimed before God. Do not remove the ancient landmarks but rather cleanse and restore them by doing away with the decaying deprecating filth which has become acceptable and taken us so far from His Kingdom and His presence.

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