Mine Alone

In all of the insanity and tyranny pounded into our lives there is one point of escape driven by exhaustion and self preservation which is becoming increasing prevalent. When an ostrich sticks their head in the stand they declare “If I can’t see it, It can’t hurt me”. We easily recognize the fallacy and absurdity of the ploy. That is until we look through the eyes of the ostrich. A restated review of this approach says “If I can’t see the danger, I can’t know how it is hurting me.

The danger is real, the defense is laughable and the result predictable. “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another” was written by a group no longer willing to be the ostrich. They agreed that enough was enough and that the course of their lives was to be more than existing as a tyrants plaything. Their perception was that the danger was real. Our current danger is real. We, as they, are in danger of forfeiting our hopes and dreams. To do nothing rebellious is to approve fully regardless of any ego stroking grumbling we might espouse. Pretending we oppose the overreach of anyone ruling over our personal sovereignty while acquiescing to it is merely patronizing. It is the laughable defense of ignoring the danger. Predictably, the outcome is go along to get along. Submitting oneself to the direction of another is counter intuitive and suicidal.

Life is without purpose and meaningless if it is not directed by the cognitive essence of the individual possessing it. History is replete with the disasters of living and dying at the discretion of those who deemed themselves to be the arbiters of truth and allowable existence. We are once again currently embroiled in such an endeavor. The scale is immense. The cost is incalculable by many. The outcome is assured. The scale is not global, it is however larger. It is the very intimate level of the soul’s conscientious control of the life of individuals. I think, therefore I am. If another entity is allowed, by purpose or ploy, to think for me, am I ? Not recognizing the cost of acceptance does not eliminate responsibility nor consequences. If one is to live, a beating heart and breathing of air is essential. So also is thinking, rationalization and decision. Without any of these life ceases and death ensues regardless of what the physical body does.

It is beyond the pale of human understanding to believe sovereign beings require one to rule over another. My joys, my accomplishments, my chosen price to pay for the chosen goals are mine alone. To allow otherwise is to promote the very tyranny we abhor. To believe that I should engage in war because someone else demands it is profoundly inhuman and barbaric at best. To give away ownership of the thoughts and desires of the individual heart, mind and soul is the abandonment of the reason for living. A bold man once said “Give me liberty or give me death”. His understanding was accurate. If I do not have the freedom to rationally choose my path and pleasures, then I am already dead. And I do not see how the danger is hurting me if my head is stuck in the sand.

Existence is precious. It is not intended to be squandered at the behest of another. It is to be enjoyed and experienced and celebrated. Hiding behind the compliance mask fails to promote life. The cost is too great. Whether I live or die physically, I must choose to live free and sovereign. My existence, my purpose for being, my choice is mine alone and not that of another.


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