Is it Really A Job?

Farmers farm. They grow things. Not because they are farmers. Because they are growers. The place they grow things is a farm. They are farmers because they use the land and the water and the sun and the rain on the farm. They are growers because God put within their heart to enjoy the growing. The plant and they cultivate. They nurture and they harvest. Then they do it all over again. They don’t have a “real” job. They farm. They grow. They love it. Can it really be a job if you do what you love to do? Even if you get paid for it?

Healers make people healthier. Nurses nurse. Doctors study for years to help people diagnose health problems and suggest possible solutions. Hospital aides aid the Doctors and Nurses. They also aide the patients. Helping those who can’t help themselves can be quite a job. But if it is doing what you love can it really be a job? Even if you get paid for it?

Teachers teach. Not because they are teachers but because they are sharers. They share ideas and knowledge and information in different ways to different people. They share because it brings them great joy to see discovery open up the eyes of their students. They share to encourage their students to share with others and have their own great joy. Teaching is not about learning. It is about loving to share what has been shared with you. Can it really be a job if you do what you love to do? Even if you get paid for it?

Servants serve. Not because they have to but because they want to. Slaves do as they are forced to do. Servants can be in the position of slaves and still love to serve. But serving is not forced. Serving sees a greater good in giving and helping and providing for the benefit of others. Homeless people need to be served, rich people want to be served. It is more profitable for a server to serve someone who cannot repay them than someone who can. Rewards are more than money. Money is just another tool to use to serve others. Can it really be a job if you do what you love to do? Even if you get paid for it?

Protectors protect. They secure the benefits of liberty and security. They do it for the weak and for the strong; for the simple and the smart. They willingly place themselves in harms way to prevent evil from defeating love and fear from defeating trust. They give away their own desires to prevent the desires of others from being taken away. They rejoice in security that frees others to do what they love. They accept the price of losing all to help others lose nothing. It is their job and they love it. Can it really be a job if you do what you love to do? Even if you get paid for it?

Good men and good women are good because they choose to be. God is the source of all good. God is love. Evil chooses to be evil. Evil is the absence of the good of God. Givers give and takers take. Edmund Burke said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Farmers, healers, teachers, servants and protectors give. They give so takers cannot take what belongs to someone else. They all have joys and desires and aspirations and are inspirations. They all have jobs. Can it really be a job if you do what you love to do? Even if you get paid for it?

You do what you do because you choose to. You may be doing something entirely different from anything spoken of here. You may even have to work at a job you do not love because you have to provide. Providing gives the opportunity to get to the place where what you do is what you love. Loving people and using things is the good way, the giving way. Using people and loving things is the taking way. You are either a giver or a taker. You are either a lover or a hater. You choose to either be god or follow God. You can either get a job or love what you do. Choose to be a lover. Can it really be a job if you do what you love to do? Even if you get paid for it?

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