
There has been an extended absence of new content on this site since I began working at the small Christian University in central Ohio. Over the last two years the opportunities and successes have been amazing to be a part of. Not my successes, unless you count me hanging on for dear life as God changes things. Still not much writing on my part. The whys are many and the results are fantastic. Between the teaching, preaching and treasury responsibilities at church, including our dying Pastor, finding a new Pastor, being a part time caretaker for our ninety-year-old mother in law, mentoring impressionable college students and loving my wife, time may be reason number one.
My job is in IT (Information Technology). As such I am the Director of a small young cadre of bright, technically minded and energetic people with vision and foresight. We make sure that every technology need on-campus and even for remote users is provided to the best of our ability. Our office just happens to be in the school library. Here is reason number two. There are without exaggeration, thousands of books covering every doctrine, principle, phrase, and position in the Bible from every imaginable perspective. I have read many of them. I seriously doubt one more opinion will add much profitable influence.

A third Reason is easily the overwhelming press of doubts and fears so easily stirred up in our human minds. Questions and doubts can linger unanswered for long periods, causing illogical consideration to be given unmerited validity. The more time I spend in the reading of God’s written Word, the more confident I am in my relationship with Him. Conversely the less time I spend plumbing His depths, the weaker and more insecure I am. Honestly, and I am trying to be honest, even when I am very confident in my walk and nearness to the Lord, I am subject to uncertainty of wondering. What if? Did I do right? Will I understand His plan and purpose correctly?
And three is not the limit to the reasons, not excuses, I recognize as my fault, my failing. Excuses are a completely different category with its own counting system. We all make excuses. We all blame circumstances and happenstance and even other people’s action or inaction for the consequences of our choices. If I take the time to analyze each day, I would cringe at the justifications I would approve of.

Writing is a joy for me. Putting thoughts, concerns and ideas out before the consideration of others enhances the pursuit of happiness. Knowing that someone will disagree and that I am bound to learn from that is like having icing on the cake. It just makes it better.
So where does the acknowledgement of the absence fall? What is the cost? Who is diminished or harmed? Or perhaps who is enhanced? That probably remains for generations to judge. I certainly have a hard-enough time just trying to assess my daily involvement in the lives which I am given to interact with. Here is a shocker for many. Honesty is always the best policy unless it is not. Truth is often more than some people can bear. Trust is an experience and time-based commodity. Fool hardiness is the result of applying any of these three principles without a competent understanding of the person and mindset with which you are dealing.

I am diminished when I think of myself or my influence more highly than I ought to. I need the interactions far more than I am needed to be part of them. My gifts, talents desires and very purpose for being are given by the God who created me. His Holy Spirit living in me guides my actions and choices, at least as long as I listen and walk in step with Him. The absence spoken of is a time of strengthening not of weakness. It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder. And while often true, does not take away the fact that time allows for forgiveness and greater consideration to be addressed.

Bottom line is this: be led by the Spirit, maintain a confidence in His control and if you doubt anything, doubt that you understood what he said or meant. Never doubt Him. I am confident that I am self-centered enough to miss where he meant and when He meant it to be. I know that Adam obeyed God and Adam obeyed Eve. I know Abrahm went and Lot went further. I believe I can be used for good in His Kingdom if I will stop trying to build my own. If my absence from writing has any positive purpose, I am confident that He will reveal that to those whom He chooses to reveal it to. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

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1 Response to Reasons

  1. Joshua says:

    Welcome back John!! Lovely post and straight to the heart with it!

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