It Continues

The thoughts still come. I often wonder if they should be continued. Time and life continue and so they get left behind. Few seem worthy or necessary to be remembered. Lies are most of the “truth” given these days and trust is a distant memory. Still hope continues. Battered and worn by the continual onslaught of selfishness, truth fades. Hundreds of years ago the prophet Isaiah wrote that there was coming a time when what was right would be considered wrong and what was wrong would be considered right. Surely this must be that time.
The good which could be done is overshadowed by the evil which desires to be promoted. The preciousness of life is tarnished by the selfish lusts of living and experience. Sleeping bugs and snakes are preserved while unborn human babies are merely inconveniences to be eliminated. Some call it murder. Some give it no more consideration than taking out the trash.
Evil replaces good and the empty void replaces love. Still it is not destroyed. Love is yet cherished and sought and found. Life, full and free, abounds. Hope rises as cream. Fear and despair cease to be resolute. The tide turns and truth seeks to prevail. When it does, Life continues, the thoughts still come

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